This time we go a bit country with famous movie themes...
First side of our first pick is Tex Ritter's well known theme from High Noon, but Olavi does an interesting version of it too...
Olavi Virta: Mua älä hylkää / Lättähattulaulu
And second pick has the vocal group Metro-Tytöt doing Johnny Guitar:
Metro-Tytöt: Surujen kitara / Olavi Virta: Kolme kitaraa
perjantai 5. maaliskuuta 2010
DAF - Die kleinen und die bösen
sunnuntai 17. tammikuuta 2010
And more of these...
Auringon lapset is a good candidate for my favorite Georg Malmsten song (and that is saying a lot), even though I have never heard his own version of it...but at least A. Aimo and Jari Sillanpää have done fine versions of it, and then there is this version...
Tapio Rautavaara: Auringon lapset / Menen enkä meinaa
And the other one is by Matti Louhivuori, one side a classic and the other a fine song too.
Matti Louhivuori: Kulkurin iltatähti / Kievarin Kirsti
Auringon lapset is a good candidate for my favorite Georg Malmsten song (and that is saying a lot), even though I have never heard his own version of it...but at least A. Aimo and Jari Sillanpää have done fine versions of it, and then there is this version...
Tapio Rautavaara: Auringon lapset / Menen enkä meinaa
And the other one is by Matti Louhivuori, one side a classic and the other a fine song too.
Matti Louhivuori: Kulkurin iltatähti / Kievarin Kirsti
Faust - Faust IV

This is probably their poppiest album.
lauantai 9. tammikuuta 2010
A double feature of Henry Theel, who besides his contributions to tango did do a fair share of other music genres too...
Syyspihlajan alla was of course a major hit, though I have trouble not hearing this with the post war parody lyrics (starting "Punertaa housut Marjatan...")
Syyspihlajan alla / Lähtiessä
Real Brazilians might have trouble recognizing the following as samba, but anyway...and the other side is a fine song too.
On sambaa tanssi tää / Soutuvenheellä Kiinaan
Syyspihlajan alla was of course a major hit, though I have trouble not hearing this with the post war parody lyrics (starting "Punertaa housut Marjatan...")
Syyspihlajan alla / Lähtiessä
Real Brazilians might have trouble recognizing the following as samba, but anyway...and the other side is a fine song too.
On sambaa tanssi tää / Soutuvenheellä Kiinaan
Gene Autry - 16 Country Classics
I do find this cowboy side of country music appealing, here's a comp from one of the major artists.
Sorry, no pic. And no Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer either.
Sorry, no pic. And no Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer either.
Musica Dispersa - Musica Dispersa
Famous Catalan hippie-folk-prog album from early 70s, one-off from this group though Jaume Sisa went to have an extensive solo career afterwards...
lauantai 2. tammikuuta 2010
I mentioned "rillumarei" in the previous singles post, here is another singer of the same...and as Säkkijärven polkka has so far been the most downloaded single from here, on the other side there is a sung version of the same.
Jorma Ikävalko: Rumarellumarillumarei / Säkkijärven polkka
And then a bit more vocal groups, here's a couple of evergreens.
Metro-tytöt: Kielon jäähyväiset / Tosca
Jorma Ikävalko: Rumarellumarillumarei / Säkkijärven polkka
And then a bit more vocal groups, here's a couple of evergreens.
Metro-tytöt: Kielon jäähyväiset / Tosca
Kari Peitsamo - Levylaulaja
Yma Sumac - Voice of Xtabay

The Peruvian princess with 5-octave voice (and somewhat tacky decorations).
Later I might put in also Mambo and Jivaro albums which are great too.
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