This time we have two versions of classic Katupoikien laulu, both made in 1942.
First, and the better one, is a feverish performance by Birgit Kronström (I am especially fond of the way she pronounces "pollarin"), sided by Tauno Palo.
Birgit Kronström - Katupoikien laulu / Tauno Palo - On syömmein lemmensairas
The second one is by young Olavi Virta, whose performance is not quite there yet...and I'm not really sure what to make of the sudden improvisation bit by the band. But anyway...
Olavi Virta - Katupoikien laulu / Seitsemän tuntia onnehen
sunnuntai 29. marraskuuta 2009
Sun Ra - Second Star to the Right (Salute to...)

This is a live recording so sneaked in is also a jazz standard Frisco Fog not from any film.
Iso mies ja keijukainen

The result is one of the strangest Finnish albums ever made, mixture of children's songs, fairy tales, psychedelic folk, tango, rock'n'roll, gypsy music, experimentation...
This one is the CD reissue with extra songs; "Siilin kuutamo" is the last song of the actual album.
sunnuntai 22. marraskuuta 2009
And more of these...
Back in the day many classically trained opera singers did do also these popular songs, sometimes under a pseudonym. Georg Malmsten of course effectively switched completely to popular music, while e.g. Ture Ara and Sulo Sala did both. Sulo Sala in general seems to be mostly forgotten nowadays (apparently there were no major hits for him), a shame since what I have heard of him I have liked.
And then again there were singers with no classical training, like A. Aimo.
Here Ture Ara performs a traditional Karelian folk song in early 30s, with an interesting mixture of bombast and melancholy:
Ture Ara: Reppurin laulu / Vallinkorvan laulu
And a split single from mid-40s,
A. Aimo / Sulo Sala: Ruusuja hopeamaljassa / Suo mulle hymysi Maria
Back in the day many classically trained opera singers did do also these popular songs, sometimes under a pseudonym. Georg Malmsten of course effectively switched completely to popular music, while e.g. Ture Ara and Sulo Sala did both. Sulo Sala in general seems to be mostly forgotten nowadays (apparently there were no major hits for him), a shame since what I have heard of him I have liked.
And then again there were singers with no classical training, like A. Aimo.
Here Ture Ara performs a traditional Karelian folk song in early 30s, with an interesting mixture of bombast and melancholy:
Ture Ara: Reppurin laulu / Vallinkorvan laulu
And a split single from mid-40s,
A. Aimo / Sulo Sala: Ruusuja hopeamaljassa / Suo mulle hymysi Maria
sunnuntai 8. marraskuuta 2009
popularity contest
At the moment download numbers have remained reasonably modest, but then again I didn't even set out to do more than an obscure place for relatively obscure music enjoyed by people like me...
But at the moment the top 5 most downloaded files from here are:
Miriam Makeba - Pata Pata
Erdmöbel - Altes Gasthaus Love
Viljo Vesterinen - Laivaston tanssiaiset / Säkkijärven polkka
Chris Connor - Chris Connor
Army of Lovers - The Gods of Earth and Heaven
(there are also couple of files with atm no downloads at all)
I congratulate you on your taste, but it would be nice to hear how you liked those things :)
But at the moment the top 5 most downloaded files from here are:
Miriam Makeba - Pata Pata
Erdmöbel - Altes Gasthaus Love
Viljo Vesterinen - Laivaston tanssiaiset / Säkkijärven polkka
Chris Connor - Chris Connor
Army of Lovers - The Gods of Earth and Heaven
(there are also couple of files with atm no downloads at all)
I congratulate you on your taste, but it would be nice to hear how you liked those things :)
More 78s
Today's order is two versions of international hit Bei mir bist du schön, covered by more artists I can count...but here two quite different versions, one from 30s and the second from 50s
First one is from mid-30s,
Arvi Tikkala - Jäähyväiset / Sä kaunehin oot
and the second 20 years later,
Brita Koivunen - Mustat silmät / Sä kaunehin oot
First one is from mid-30s,
Arvi Tikkala - Jäähyväiset / Sä kaunehin oot
and the second 20 years later,
Brita Koivunen - Mustat silmät / Sä kaunehin oot
Pirkka-Pekka Petelius - Muistan sua Elaine

When PPP and Pedro Hietanen started to pick music for already legendary TV show Velipuolikuu in mid-80s, they found old and relatively obscure humppa-fox recordings and decided to redo and update them...some same stuff I have been posting here too.
The title song is considered by many to be the first Finnish jazz composition, recorded in 1930.
For the interested, here is the list of original performers and recording year:
Muistan sua Elaine: Ramblers (voc: Leo Adamson) 1931
Tahiti: Erkki Eklund 1932
Bulu bulu bulu: Arvi Tikkala 1936
Niilin rannalla: Arvi Hänninen 1933
Marie Marie: not done before in Finnish, but it is an old German schlager
Siperia: Mauno Tamminen 1931
Budapestin yössä: Annikki Tähti 1957
Isabell: Ville Alanko 1930, Erkki Eklund 1931
Saharan lilja: Georg Malmsten 1940
Danakil: Reino Armio 1937
Abessinia: Arvi Hänninen 1935
Itämainen idylli: Kullervo Linna 1951
Mina - L'oro di Mina

Is this a compilation or a genuine album recorded in 1987 from the major Italian pop singer Mina? At least it has a solid number of hits...
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